Holy Day List

2024/25 Holy Days

  • New Year/New Month/Spring Holy Day: March 2nd 2024
  • Passover Communion Night: March 15th 2024
  • Feast of Unleavened Bread: March 16th sundown – March 22nd sundown 2024 (7 Day Feast: 1st Day: March 16th-17th; 6th Day: March 22nd-23rd)
  • Firstfruits/Feast of Weeks: May 4th 2024
  • Summer Holy Day/New Month: June 1st 2024
  • Fall Holy Day/New Month: August 31st 2024
  • Blowing of Trumpets: August 31st 2024
  • Day of Atonement: September 9th 2024
  • Feast of Tabernacles: September 14th 2024 sundown-September 21st 2024 sundown (8 Day Feast: 1st Day Sept 14th-15th; 8th Day: Sept 21st-Sept 22nd)
  • Feast of Dedication: November 23rd 2024 sundown – November 30th 2024 sundown (8 Day Feast: 1st Day: Nov 23rd-Nov 24th; 8th Day: Nov 30th-Dec 1st)
  • Winter Holy Day/New Month: November 30th 2024
  • Purim (2 Day Feast): February 11th 2025 sundown – February 12th 2025 sundown (2 Day Feast: 1st Day: Feb 11th-12th; 2nd Day: Feb 12th-13th)

2024/25 Hebrew Months of the year(from sundown to sundown)

  • 1st Month: Mar 2 – Mar 31, 2024 (30 days)
  • 2nd Month: Apr 1 – Apr 30 (30 days)
  • 3rd Month: May 1 – May 31 (31 days)
  • 4th Month: Jun 1 – Jun 30 (30 days)
  • 5th Month: Jul 1 – Jul 30 (30 days)
  • 6th Month: Jul 31 – Aug 30 (31 days)
  • 7th Month: Aug 31 – Sep 29 (30 days)
  • 8th Month: Sep 30 – Oct 29 (30 days)
  • 9th Month: Oct 30 – Nov 29 (31 days)
  • 10th Month: Nov 30 – Dec 29 (30 days)
  • 11th Month: Dec 30 – Jan 28, 2025 (30 days)
  • 12th Month: Jan 29 – Feb 28, 2025 (31 days)

Days of the Week: (from sundown to sundown)

For example the Sabbath is Friday sundown until Saturday sundown

Gen 1:5  And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Gen 1:14  And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

  • 1st Day Sunday
  • 2nd Day Monday
  • 3rd Day Tuesday
  • 4th Day Wednesday
  • 5th Day Thursday
  • 6th Day Friday (Sabbath begins at sundown)
  • 7th Day Sabbath (Sabbath ends at sundown)
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