Your outside deserves the same treatment that hopefully your inside is getting. We are becoming more aware that many of the cosmetics and lotions that we put on our bodies are filled with chemicals. Our skin is our largest organ. It is very permeable which means it allows cosmetic chemicals to go right through our skin. Conclusion? You are adsorbing the chemicals in the lotions you put on your body!

 As the weather changes our skin starts to dry out, a great shower companion is a salt oil rub. If you use it at the very end of your shower it leaves your skin beautifully smooth, polished and moisturized. You can buy these over the counter, but they are filled with fragrance, chemicals etc. And they are expensive! Why not make your own. It is simple and inexpensive! All you need is a little coarse sea salt, some oil (Argon is a favorite but you can use almond, olive or coconut oil) and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. This makes a wonderful gift, too.

  • 1  Small Glass Jar
  • Coarse Sea Salt to Fill
  • Argan Oil
  • Favorite Essential Oil (make sure it is non-irritating to the skin.)

 Fill the jar with the salt to about 1″ from the top. Slowly pour in the oil until the salt is completely saturated. You can poke around a bit to help speed the process up. Add a few drops of essential oil and stir carefully. To Use: After you have washed, scrub your skin with the rub. Rinse off and dry. Don’t use right after shaving as it can sting a bit.

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