Super Easy Berry Freezie


This is a favourite go-to homemade recipe for a super healthy ice-cream dessert for rambunctious toddlers. They will gobble it down with absolute gusto and delight! They will love helping you make this special ice-cream!

Dairy free, naturally low in sugar, super smooth and creamy, its better than the real thing! And it can be easily varied depending on what you have in your pantry.

Happy ice cream making!

Crispy, Chewy, Gluten Free Cheese Bread

These little buns of goodness are called pão de queijo are a common snack all over the country of Brazil, eaten at any time of day with a good cup of Brazilian coffee. Not only are they oozing with cheese—the base of tapioca flour makes them gooey, chewy, and good news for anyone with an allergy or intolerance, gluten free ! It's always nice to try something different we hope you enjoy this recipe. 


How to Make Gourmet French Fries at Home

You can make delicious homemade gourmet french fries very simple and easy !  Make your own fries or buy frozen fires. 

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Grilled Avocado with Mango Salsa

Grilling avocados may sound a little strange, but it brings out a warm, smoky flavor that works well with this buttery, green fruit. You might want to break out the spoons for this one. That avocado is going to be soft, decadent, and delicious!