Looking to detox? Find out which detox diet is right for you.

Daily life produces toxins — there’s no way around that. We’re exposed to extreme amounts of toxins from air pollution, household chemicals, over-the-counter and prescription drugs, processed foods and other things. The body has mechanisms for eliminating toxins, such as breathing, sweating, urinating and bowel movements, but sometimes it needs a little bit of help.

That help can come in the form of a detox diet or whole body cleanse. A detox or cleanse will make you feel cleaner, clearer and lighter. It can also jump-start a weight-loss program, help you transition between seasons, regulate digestion and help you identify food allergies or trigger foods. In fact, a detox serves a powerful purpose, Detoxification is a process to help people heal!

Here are five detox diets to try. Remember that a detox diet is not long-term healthy diets. And always check with your physician before beginning any diet, especially if you have any health conditions.

1. Simple Fruit and Veggie Detox

Best used for: A quick cleanse of your system; a good beginning detox.

Length: 2-3 days

Clark likes this option because it’s relatively easy to do. The idea is to give your body a break from processed foods, dairy and animal products.  Processed foods — so prevalent in the American diet — can be full of toxins and chemicals, and it’s a good experiment to see how it feels to avoid them for a few days. Animal products have protein and fat. Although both are essential nutrients, they create more work for your digestive tract, so it makes sense to avoid them while trying to cleanse. You can eat your fruits and veggies raw or cooked, but avoid additives like butter or sugar.

2. Smoothie Cleanse

Best used for: Smoothies provide nourishment during a detox, feeding the cells and tissues well while the body rests the digestive process.

Length: 1 week

This diet consists of fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies made in a blender. It’s actually a very versatile diet, because you can make any number of combinations, and even add protein powder, which is especially important if you have higher caloric needs (such as if you’re an athlete) basic smoothie formula is 1 cup of fruit juice or milk (preferably nondairy, such as rice milk or almond milk) and 1 cup of fruit, either fresh or frozen. In addition to protein powder, you could add things like ground flaxseed, wheat germ, vitamin C or other supplements.

3. Juice Cleanse

Best used for: A deep cleanse that speeds up the rate of toxin clearing; not recommended for people with high caloric needs.

Length: 3-5 days

A deeper cleanse, the juice detox is ideal for people who want to jump-start a weight-loss program. Drinking only nutrient-rich fruit and vegetable juices and vegetable broths can feel surprisingly energizing. An added bonus to this program is that if you’re sick, the nutrients from juice are quickly absorbed and help speed the body’s natural healing process. You can use bottled juices, but its best to use a juicer to make fresh juices and create various concoctions (like carrot, celery and lemon). You can also supplement with vegetable soup, or even add a few solid fruits and vegetables to help deal with your hunger. Note: This diet isn’t for meant for active people, so be sure to take it easy while doing it so that your caloric needs aren’t as high.

4. Sugar Detox

Best used for: Abstaining from sugar for a while can help break your sugar addiction. As a result, you’ll consume much less of the sweet stuff and have more energy throughout the day. You’ll also lose weight more easily.

Length: Varies

Cutting out sugar can be very hard emotionally. But it can be an excellent experiment, especially if you feel you have grown too dependent on sugar, which can compromise your body’s ability to fight illness, fill you up with empty calories and leave you feeling sluggish.  Giving yourself a set amount of time to avoid white sugar, candy and baked goods. Watch for hidden sugars in things like ketchup, salad dressings, lunchmeat and soups, too. Opt instead for fruits (fresh, frozen or unsweetened dried), nuts, beans, whole grains, vegetables and lean proteins. Try it for a few days or a few months, and notice if you feel different.

5. The Hypoallergenic Detox

Best used for: Targeting food allergies and sensitivities.

Length: 1 week to start

Most people aren’t aware that some physical symptoms, such as gastrointestinal problems, hives, swelling, itching and yeast infections, to name a few, may be tied to what they eat. The idea behind this detox program is to take a break from certain foods and see what happens.  Wheat, dairy, soy, sugar, peanuts, corn and eggs are referred to as the sensitive seven. Cutting them out for a week, and then slowly reintroducing each to determine your reaction to them.

More detox tips:

  • Detox in the spring, summer and fall, when more fresh produce is available. Winter is not generally a good time for detoxing because your body is working on rebuilding, rather than cleansing.
  • Take time to engage in activities that feel cleansing and purifying. Detoxing is a great time to stay home and do things like clean your closet.
  • Get ample rest when you detox. Keep up with gentle exercise like pilates, but be careful of strenuous exercise because you want your body to focus on cleansing.
  • Expect that you might not feel very well while on your detox diet, because the toxins are making their way out of the body. But you will feel better after.
  • Keep yourself well hydrated while detoxing, because water naturally flushes toxins.
  • Beware of any detox diet that requires you to invest in pricey supplements. Cleansing is a natural body function. It doesn’t require a lot of expensive supplements to work.
  • After your detox diet is over, gradually ease back into your normal (or healthier-than-normal) diet.
  • Never do any kind of fast without first talking to your nutritionist, health adviser or doctor.


Brain-Eating Amoeba, Naegleria Fowleri, Confirmed In Louisiana Parish Water Supply

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have confirmed that a dangerous brain-eating amoeba has been found in certain parts of the water system in the St. Bernard Parish of Louisiana, state health officials reported.

The death last week of a 4-year-old boy has been connected to the amoeba, called Naegleria fowleri. Infection from Naegleria fowleri is considered rare, but can cause an extremely dangerous brain infection called primary amebic meningoencephalitis, which usually kills the person who has it in one to 12 days.

Naegleria fowleri also nearly killed 12-year-old Arkansas girl Kali Hardig, who became infected with the organism earlier this summer after swimming at a water park with a sandy-bottomed lake. She is only one of two known survivors of the infection, the Associated Press reported.

The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals said that testing of water samples from faucets and hydrants linked to water lines in four locations in Violet and Arabi, La., confirmed the presence of the amoeba in St. Bernard Parish, southeast of New Orleans.

Even before the CDC made its determination, the parish had started flushing its water lines with chlorine last week as a precaution. Now that the amoeba has been confirmed, the parish said it plans to continue with that effort.

"We know that chlorine kills Naegleria fowleri, which is why it was critical that the parish proactively began flushing its water system with additional chlorine last week," J.T. Lane, the state's assistant secretary for public health, said in a statement. "The parish will continue this action until it raises chlorine residuals to recommended levels, and this process will continue for several weeks. DHH is working with parish officials to provide assistance and support to the parish's staff to ensure that chlorine levels are being monitored daily."

Health officials offered assurance that the water is safe to drink, but that there is potential risk of infection if water goes up and into the nose and the parasite is present.

The state health department cautioned that families should take care not to let water go up the nose when showering, washing the face or swimming in an inflatable kiddie pool. Residents are also advised not to jump into a bathtub of water; don't let kids play with hoses unsupervised, so that they don't splash water into the nose inadvertently; keep inflatable and hard plastic pools clean and dry when not in use; only use boiled and cooled, distilled or sterile water for neti-pots; and disinfect swimming pools.



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