How to make yucca shampoo

How to make yucca shampoo the old Gadite way, wilderness survival.Camping tips Gad bush craft.

Flax Seed Hair Gel

Why Flaxseed Oil Helps Hair

One of the reasons flaxseed oil can promote hair health is because it is rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids. Omega-3 essential fatty acids are known to support scalp health, while a deficiency can result in dry scalp and dull hair, says Jim White, R.D., a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, according to “Men’s Health.”

Flax seeds also contain lignans, disease-fighting compounds that may help fight hair loss. But because lignans are found in the shell, whole seeds are a better source than oil.

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Nourishing Hair Oil Recipe

Hair can get dry and brittle, especially in the summer months during time outside, swimming or at the beach. Use of harsh chemical products can also damage hair, but this conditioning treatment helps nourish hair and strengthen it.Read more

3 Easy-To-Make Homemade Deep Conditioners for Natural Hair

For some of us, going natural did not stop with our hair. It continued with a move towards mixing our own “natural” products. While numerous recipes exist on the internet, few are actually both simple AND effective in meeting the needs of our natural hair. If you are new to making your own products or are a current mixtress searching for an easy-to-make recipe that actually works, you can start with these homemade conditioners, which are three favourites:Read more

Tea Tree Oil for Hair Growth

What is tea tree oil?

“It is extracted from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia, commonly known as Narrow-leaved Tea-tree which is native to the northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia.  Tea tree oil is a natural antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-infection oil. Tea tree oil is an essential oil that is very good for the skin and also soothes patients of sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis and viral or bacterial infections."Read more

Moroccan Argan Oil & Sea Salt Body Rub

Your outside deserves the same treatment that hopefully your inside is getting. We are becoming more aware that many of the cosmetics and lotions that we put on our bodies are filled with chemicals. Our skin is our largest organ. It is very permeable which means it allows cosmetic chemicals to go right through our skin. Conclusion? You are adsorbing the chemicals in the lotions you put on your body!Read more

Rosemary Avocado Coconut Oil Hair Mask

Let’s not forget our hair and skin on this month’s journey to getting healthy!!! This easy to make, deliciously rich hair mask is a great natural treatment for dry hair. The rich oils from the avocado and coconut oil make your hair feel soft and thick. The rosemary will also contribute to soft, shiny hair. On top of that it is a great scalp stimulator, fights hair loss and also is anti-bacterial.