Streamed Vegetables with Flavored Butters

Steaming is a great way to cook vegetables and retain the nutrients. It keeps in so many of the vitamins lost by boiling, and can be done in stacked steamer baskets. Best of all, though, it only takes up one ring of your cooker! The butters are easy to make and can be done way ahead. Keep any leftovers in your freezer and use a slice when you cook a steak. Don't cook all the vegetables or you'll have far too many – just pick your two favourites.

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Homemade Fluffy Pancakes

 A sister recently shared the secret to fluffy pancakes, wait for it......

white distilled vinegar!

Other suggestions for this recipe: Stay away from pancake and cake mix, its so quick to make it from scratch so you can be sure of what's in it.Most baking soda and baking powder contain aluminum try shopping for the organic variety in your local health food store!  Using  unsweetened almond milk, organic flour, organic sugar cane, organic butter and organic brown eggs still ensures these turn out good.

 Recipe Card