Here are twenty herbs that just might help fight against cancer.

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Twenty herbs that can help fight against cancer 

1 ASTRAGALUS (Huang Qi): A Chinese herb; an immune system booster, known to stimulate body´s natural production of interferon. It also helps the immune system identify rogue cells. Work with the herb in both cancer and AIDS cases has been encouraging. The MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Texas conducted research showing that taking Astragalus when having Radiotherapy doubled survival times.

2 BERBERIS FAMILY (e.g. Podophyllum peltanum):Slow active purgative. Research has shown these herbs to have a strong action against cancer and they have been used with many cancers, especially Ovarian cancer. In Cancer Watch March 2015, the herb was shown in research to outperform brain cancer drug, Temozolomide in vitro.

3 BLOODROOT (Sanguinaria canadensis): Research shows consistent anti-neoplastic activity. It has been shown to be effective against cancer tumours, and can shrink them; it is one of the herbs in an anti-cancer poultice called Black Salve; and has proven useful with sarcomas.

4 BUTCHERS BROOM (Ruscus aculeatus): The active ingredients of this herb has been found to be the ruscogenins which have tumour-shrinking and anti-oestrogenic abilities. Thus its use in the treatment of breast cancer.

5 CAT´S CLAW (Uncaria tormentosa): An adaptogen and powerful immuno-stimulant, it enhances the white cells clean up process (phagocytosis). It is an excellent companion to astragalus, curcumin and echinacea. Research indicates it can reduce tumour size, particularly with skin cancers. It also helps reduce the side-effects of chemo and radiotherapy.

6 CHAPARRAL (Larrea mexicana): Cancer Watch covered a major research study from the US which heaped praise on this herb. It appears to boost the immune system, stop metastases and reduce tumour size. Seems especially interesting with breast cancer and is another ingredient in Black Salve. It is also an anti-oxidant and anti-microbial, with low toxicity.

7 CURCUMIN (Turmeric): This spice (Curcuma longa or Turmeric root) has been shown to have significant anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory activity. That alone seems enough for certain hospitals in America to consider using it in the treatment of polyps and colon cancer. However new research shows that it can both shrink cancer tumours and inhibit blood supply growth to tumours. It is a powerful antioxidant with liver protective benefits, and outperformed several anti-inflammatory drugs without side-effects in research.

8 DANG SHEN ROOT (Codonopsis pilosula): increases both the white blood cell and red blood cell levels, so can be extremely helpful to patients having chemotherapy and radiotherapy, or to patients whose cancer diminishes levels of either.

ECHINACEA: Another known immune system booster, it gained a populist reputation in treating colds.  There is research on its helpfulness with brain tumours apart from its abilities to increase the levels of certain immune white cells in the body.

10 FEVERFEW: This herb caused a storm when research from Rochester University in New York showed it to be more effective than the drug cytarabine in killing leukaemia cells. The US Food and Drug Agency put the active ingredient, parthenolide, on to its fast track programme. Nothing has yet been heard. But then, the FDA has never approved a herb for use as a cancer treatment.

11 GOLDENSEAL: One cause of stomach cancer can be the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. This burrows into the mucous lining of the stomach to hide from gastric acids, and then causes irritation, acid reflux, ulcers and even cancer. Goldenseal is generally anti-microbial and is used in the Caribbean and South East Asia against parasites. Goldenseal, helped by the mineral Bismuth, will kill Helicobacter pylori. Vets seem to know this, even if doctors don´t.

12 MILK THISTLE: Known for years to be helpful to the liver, this herb has now been shown to be capable of protecting the liver during chemotherapy. Research in America showed that leukaemia patients who took milk thistle had reduced liver toxicity and chemo side-effects. There is a little evidence that it has its own anti-cancer activity too.

13 PAU D´ARCO: This tree bark was original thought to be a strong anti-cancer agent, but then its actions were clarified as strongly anti-bacterial, anti-yeast and anti-microbial. That alone might be enough in some cases of cancer cause. But new research on the differing ingredients has shown the quinoids possess immune strengthening abilities and seem to help in cases of blood and lymph cancers.

14 RED CLOVER: Research from a number of cancer centres including the Royal Marsden has shown its potential as a part of a treatment programme against oestrogen-driven cancers, from breast to prostate. One active ingredient in the so-called Herb of Hippocrates is the anti-oestrogen Genistein, which Professor Powles formerly of the Royal Marsden dubbed ´the anti-oestrogen´.

15 SHEEP´S SORRELL: Used in Essiac and other herbal remedies, it is a cleanser and aids healthy tissue regeneration. There is some suggestion from research that it helps normalise damaged cells and tissue. It is also a highly praised ´vermifuge´ - intestinal worms have little or no resistance to this herb.

16 SKULLCAP (Scutellaria barbata): Research has shown action against many cancer types, for example against cancers of the lung, stomach and intestines.

17 SUTHERLANDIA (Cancer Bush): Peer reviewed research studies indicate that this herb is anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-fungal. It boosts the immune system and inhibits Tumour Necrosis Factor, known to drive wasting in cancer patients.

18 THOROWAX, or HARES EAR (Bulpleurum scorzoneraefolium): Research has shown its ability to enhance the production of natural interferon and it seems especially useful in bone cancer

19 WHEATGRASS: One of the top private hospitals in South East Asia extols the benefits of freshly juiced wheatgrass. One shot gives you the chlorophyll of some 12 or more kilograms of broccoli. It acts as a blood purifier, and liver and kidney cleansing agent. In research, after two weeks of daily use, blood and tissue oxygen levels improve, as does circulation. 

20 WORMWOOD: Another Chinese Herb, this has outperformed certain anti-malaria drugs and is now used by the aid agencies. It is strongly anti-microbial and anti-yeast and can be used as an effective part of an anti-candida diet. Also certain cancer treatments cause excesses of yeasts to form (for example, in Leukaemia treatment) threatening the patients health further. Excess yeasts are even felt by some cancer experts to be one of the causes of cancer. However, in recent research Wormwood has been shown to have direct anti-cancer properties.



Please be clear, no one is saying these herbs are not without any side-effects. Equally they may conflict with some drugs. The important point is that herbalist are still discovering many of their benefits, albeit very slowly, because individual local herbalists just do not have the funds to conduct large scale clinical trials like the drugs companies do. You should seriously consider the usefulness of herbs as a part of your integrative cancer-fighting programme. They just might make a serious difference to your health. But please make sure you go to an expert medical herbalist for clear and informed advice.

Is organic honey really organic ?


Is organic honey really organic ? It is next to impossible for any American beekeeper to (honestly) call their honey “organic”. This is primarily due to the nature of how honey is made. Bees venture out 3-4 miles from home to collect pollen and nectar from millions of plants to make their honey. There is no way to know what plants they came into contact with or where. It is possible that these plants may have been treated with a pesticide or herbicide. If you’ve seen USDA organic labels on honey before, first, check the country of origin on the’s most likely not from the US. Second, did you know that the USDA currently doesn’t even have standards for organic honey? Generally speaking, most USDA inspections are done by third -party inspectors and have actually been known to slip some honey producers through as organic based on the guidelines for keeping livestock. Yes, livestock such as cows and pigs. If anyone labels their honey as “organic”, beware. It may be just slick marketing to snatch more of your hard-earned money. It’s best to buy your honey locally and ask a few questions of the beekeeper or if  you don't have place near you to buy local honey. Try order raw honey online or  health store /whole foods store. 

What’s the difference between filtered and strained honey?
Honey is a delicious and beneficial food source with tiny particles of pollen and other goodies in it. Most large honey producers, and many smaller ones will force honey through microscopic filters to make the end product more crystal clear and prettier in bottles. Due to this process, much of the “good for you” stuff and wild flavours are removed. Strained liquid honey, straining is just what it sounds like. Essentially, it just remove pieces of natural beeswax and other hive debris from the honey, leaving behind a natural, healthy product.

What is raw honey?
Raw honey is simply honey that has not been heat pasteurized. Most commercial honeys will be heat treated (cooked) in order to slow down the rate of crystallization and to keep it clear for long periods of time on the shelf. It also temporarily thins down the honey so that it can be poured into containers faster. Unfortunately, this heating also kills off many of the natural, beneficial enzymes and flavors. Go ahead and taste test a raw honey against a heat pasteurized honey. The taste will tell you a lot. So, don’t be afraid of the word “raw” when it comes to honey. It’s safe and actually better for you than the heated alternatives.

 Honey is getting cloudy (crystallising), what’s going on? All honey will eventually crystallize, but heat pasteurized honey like you find in big grocery stores just does it at a slower rate. It is not spoiled and you do not need to throw it out. If this ever happens, simply place the container in a bath of warm water until it liquefies again.

Raw Honey Benefits !



Raw Honey Benefits

Nearly everyone knows what honey is, but very few know what raw honey is, and even fewer know what the raw honey benefits are.  Raw honey is honey in its purest form. Raw honey is never micron filtered or heated above natural hive temperatures.  One of the major benefits of raw honey is that it’s nature’s own multivitamin. Raw honey is a natural source of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and even antioxidant-rich vitamin C.  It also contains minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium chlorine, sulphur, and phosphate.

So what is the difference between raw honey and the honey that can be purchased at the local supermarket? And if there are so many raw honey benefits, whys is not all honey raw honey?

Nearly all honey purchased at the big box store is heated to some degree, filtered, and/or even pasteurized.  Filtering honey with a micron filter will yield honey that has no air bubbles, has no particulate matter in suspension, and thus will be perfectly clear.  The particles we are referring to are nearly always pollen, since almost all wax can be removed with a fine screen. The reason for removing large particles is that these can act as “seed crystals” for honey crystallization to occur.  Thus, filtering can help prevent crystallization on the store shelf.  Honey stored at room temperature will crystallize over time, but the process can be reversed without detriment to the product by heating the honey to as little as 98F degrees.

To filter honey, it must be heated so it becomes less viscous and easier to pump through the filter. The higher the temperature to less viscous the honey becomes. But heating honey comes at a price. Heating honey to as little as 115F degrees will cause dramatic changes to occur.  Pasteurization of honey requires it to be heated to as high as 160 degrees for a period of time, then cooled rapidly.

Honey and high heat do not get along very well.  It has been found that excessive heat can have detrimental effects on the nutritional value of honey.  Heating up to 37 °C (98.6 °F) causes loss of nearly 200 components, some of which are antibacterial. Heating up to 40 °C (104 °F) destroys invertase, an important enzyme. At 50 °C (122 °F), the honey sugars caramelize and it turns from a light color to an increasingly darker color as the temperature rises.

When honey is excessively heated, micron filtered, and/or pasteurized, nearly all the beneficial components of honey are removed.  One of the most important components of honey is pollen.  Micron filtering heated honey removes all the pollen from the end product, thus removing nearly all of its nutritional benefits.  Heat destroys the natural enzymes, vitamins, and proteins in honey. Filtering and processing eliminates many of the beneficial phytonutrients including pollen and enzyme-rich propolis and the pollen that has been denatured by the heating process.

Scientific proof that micron filtered honey removes pollen was found in a study by the Palynology Research Laboratory at Texas A&M University.  In the study, 60 honey products from supermarkets and grocery stores were tested and it was found that 76% contained no trace of pollen. This means that the vast majority of the honeys sold at big box grocery stores have no nutritional benefits.

Ironically, the USDA encourages honey packers to filter their honey. They even give higher grades to honey that is clear and pollen free. Interestingly enough, despite the USDA encouraging the ultra filtering of honey, the FDA specifies that honey needs to contain pollen to be considered honey.

One of the problems with honey that contains no pollen is that it is impossible to verify its quality, content, or origin without highly specialized equipment. It is common for foreign producers or exporters/importers to cut honey with various types of sugar syrups.  Since the USDA prefers filtered honey, it is difficult to detect that the honey has been altered since it never contained any pollen.  So it is highly possible that honey purchased at the big box grocery store, or given to customers at a restaurant, is not even real honey since its origin and purity cannot be verified without highly specialized equipment.

Here are five raw honey benefits:

Raw Honey Benefits #1: Raw Honey has been shown to be an Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Viral, and Anti-Fungal substance.  In this respect, it can be very beneficial to your immune system and may assist in a wide variety of common ailments.

Raw Honey Benefits #2: Aids stomach and digestion

In digestive disturbances honey is of great value. Honey does not ferment in the stomach because, being an inverted sugar, it is easily absorbed and there is no danger of a bacterial invasion. The flavor of honey excites the appetite and helps digestion. The propoma of the ancients, made of honey, was a popular appetizer.

Raw Honey Benefits #3:  For healing ulcers and burns

Many years ago, a study by Robert Bloomfield, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, reports “Applied every 2 to 3 days under a dry dressing, honey promotes healing of ulcers and burns better than any other local application. It can also be applied to other surface wounds, including cuts and abrasions…”

Raw Honey Benefits #4: Honey has anti-cancer properties.

Recent studies by Gribel and Pashinskii indicated that honey possessed moderate antitumor and pronounced anti-metastatic effects in five different strains of rat and mouse tumors. Furthermore, honey potentiated the antitumor activity of chemotherapeutic drugs such as 5-fluorouracil and cyclophosphamide.

– Gribel, N.V., and Pashinskii, V.G. Antitumor properties of honey. Vopr. Onkol., 36:704-709, 1990.

C.V. Rao at the American Health Foundation in Valhalla, New York found caffeic acids in propolis are inhibitors of colon cancers in animals. Other research shows hive products have the ability to prevent and halt the spread of malignant diseases. Earlier research by M.T. Huang also published in Cancer Research found caffeic acids effective in inhibiting skin cancer tumors in mice.

Raw Honey Benefits #5: A Spoonful a Day Keeps Free Radicals at Bay


What’s Really in Your Shampoo (and Is It Bad for You?)

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Do you know exactly what’s in your hair goo and what it does to you? Now you do.

Do you know what chemicals are lurking in your shampoo? 

Ever try reading the ingredient list on your shampoo bottle? It’s like a Latin haiku. 

The Secrets The Beauty Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know, to tell us what all those complicated-sounding ingredients are and what they do.

Well we have found a list of some of the names for ingredients found in many shampoos and conditioners and many other products use on a daily basis.

the 10 worst commonly found product ingredients things you can put on your hair (and body). Check the list of ingredients on your hair products. The more of a particular ingredient you have in a product, the closer it is to the top of the list of ingredients on the bottle:

1. ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL: This is a solvent and denaturant (poisonous substance that changes another substances natural qualities). Isopropyl alcohol is found in hair color rinses, body rubs, hand lotions, after-shave lotions, fragrances and many other cosmetics. This petroleum-derived substance is also used in antifreeze and as a solvent in shellac. Napptural hair reacts very badly to isoalcohol and this ingredient should be avoided at ALL costs. It will dry your hair out and break it off. According to A Consumer’s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients, inhalation or ingestion of the vapor may cause headaches, flushing, dizziness, mental depression, nausea, vomiting, narcosis and even coma. 

2. MINERAL OIL & PETROLATUM:The best baby oil is made from almonds. But the oil which being sold as baby oil is 100% mineral oil. Mineral oil is a derivative of crude oil (petroleum) that is used industrially as a cutting fluid and lubricating oil. This commonly used petroleum ingredient coats the skin and hair just like plastic wrap. The skin’s natural barrier is disrupted as this plastic coating inhibits its ability to breathe and absorb the Natural Moisture Factor (moisture and nutrition). The skin’s ability to release toxins and wastes is impossible through this “plastic wrap,” which can promote acne and other disorders. It further hinders normal skin respiration/transpiration by keeping oxygen out. This process slows down skin function and normal cell development causing the skin to prematurely age. Holding in large a mounts of moisture in the skin can “flood” the biology and may result in immature, unhealthy, sensitive skin that dries out easily. Petrolatum - A petroleum-based grease that is used industrially as a grease component. Petrolatum exhibits many of the same potentially harmful properties as mineral oil.
Honestly, this stuff belongs in your engine, not on your hair. Regardless of “Well, my Grandma used vaseline on her hair and it grew ”, the bottom line is this stuff is bad. It was bad for Grandma and it is bad for you. Period.

3. PEG: This is an abbreviation for polyethylene glycol that is used in making cleansers to dissolve oil and grease as well as thicken products. Because of their effectiveness, PEG’s are often used in caustic spray on oven cleaners and yet are found in many personal care products. PEG’s contribute to stripping the Natural Moisture Factor, leaving the immune system vulnerable. They are also potentially carcinogenic. 

4. PROPYLENE GLYCOL (PG): As a “surfactant” or wetting agent and solvent, this ingredient is actually the active component in antifreeze. There is no difference between the PG used in industry and the PG used in personal care products. It is used in industry to break down protein and cellular structure (what the skin is made of) yet is found in most forms of make-up, hair products, lotions, after-shave, deodorants, mouthwashes and toothpaste. It is also used in food processing. Because of its ability to quickly penetrate the skin, the EPA requires workers to wear protective gloves, clothing and goggles when working with this toxic substance. The Material Safety Data Sheets warn against skin contact, as PG has systemic consequences such as brain, liver and kidney abnormalities. Consumers are not protected nor is there a warning label on products such as stick deodorants, where the concentration is greater than that in most industrial applications.

5. SODIUM LAURYL SUFATE (SLS) & SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE (SLES): SLS is used in testing labs as the standard ingredient to irritate skin. Used as detergents and surfactants, these closely related compounds are found in car wash soaps, garage floor cleaners and engine degreasers. Yet both SLS and SLES are used more widely as one of the major ingredients in cosmetics, toothpaste, hair conditioner and about 90% of all shampoos and products that foam. They are used in personal-care products because they are cheap. A small amount generates a large amount of foam, and when salt is added it thicken to give the illusion of being thick and concentrated. (SOME OF THE NITROSATING AGENTS ARE: SLS, SLES, DEA, TEA, MEA). Shampooing the hair with a product contaminated with these substances can lead to its absorption into the body at levels much higher than eating nitrite-contaminated foods.
Mark Fearer in an article, Dangerous Beauty, says, “…in tests, animals that were exposed to SLS experienced eye damage, along with depression, labored breathing, diarrhea, severe skin irritation and corrosion and death.” According to the American College of Toxicology states both SLS and SLES can cause malformation in children’s eyes. Other research has indicated SLS may be damaging to the immune system, especially within the skin. Skin layers may separate and inflame due to its protein denaturing properties. It is possibly the most dangerous of ad ingredients in personal care products. Research has shown that SLS when combined with other chemicals can be transformed into nitrosamines, a potent class of carcinogens, which causes the body to absorb nitrates at higher levels than eating nitrate contaminated food.“ According to the American College of Toxicity report, "SLS stays in the body for up to five days…” Other studies have indicated that SLS easily penetrates through the skin and enters and maintains residual levels in the heart, the liver, the lungs and the brain. This poses serious questions regarding its potential health threat through its use in shampoos, cleansers and toothpaste,“ 
Studies show its danger potential to be great when used in personal-care products. Toxicity - A serious problem with these chemicals is that they may be contaminated with NDELA (N-nitrosodiethanolamine), one of the nitrosamines and a potent carcinogen, according to a 1978 FDA report.

Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)- SLES is the alcohol form (ethoxylated) of SLS. It is slightly less irritating than SLS, but may be more drying. Both SLS and SLES can enter the blood stream. They may cause potentially carcinogenic formations of nitrates and dioxins to form in shampoos and cleansers by reacting with other product ingredients. Large amounts of nitrates may enter the blood system from just one shampooing. Contains ether.

6. CHLORINE: According to Doris J. Rapp, M.D., author of Is This your Child’s World? exposure to chlorine in tap water, Showers, pool, laundry products, cleaning agents, food processing, sewage systems and many others, can effect health by contributing to asthma, hay fever, anemia, bronchitis, circulatory collapse, confusion, delirium diabetes, dizziness, irritation of the eye, mouth, nose throat, lung, skin and stomach, heart disease, high blood pressure and nausea. It is also a possible cause of cancer. Even though you will not see Chlorine on personal care product labels, it is important for you to be aware of the need to protect your skin when bathing and washing your hair. 

7. DEA (diethanolamine) MEA (momoethnanolamine) TEA (triethanolamine): DEA and MEA are usual listed on the ingredients label in conjunction with the compound being neutralized. Thus look for names like Cocamide DEA or MES, Lauramide DEA, etc. These are hormone disrupting chemicals and are known to form cancer causing nitrates and nitrosamines. . These are commonly found in most personal care products that foam, including bubble baths, body washes, shampoos, soaps and facial cleansers. On the show, CBS This Morning, Roberta Baskin revealed that a recent government report shows DEA and MEA are readily absorbed in the skin. Dr. Samuel Epstein, Professor of Environmental Health at the University of Illinois said "repeated skin applications of DEA-based detergents resulted in a major increase in the incidence of two cancers - liver and kidney cancers.” John Bailey, who oversees the cosmetic division for the FDA said the new study is especial important since “the risk equation changes significantly for children." 

8. FD & C Color PIGMENTS: Many color pigments cause skin sensitivity and irritation. Absorption of certain colors can cause depletion of oxygen in the body and even death according to A Consumer’s dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients. Debra Lynn Dadd says in Home Safe Home: "Colors that can be used in foods, drug, and cosmetics are made from coal tar. There is a great deal of controversy about their use, because animal studies have shown almost all of them to be carcinogenic.” 

9. FRAGRANCE: Fragrance is present in most deodorants shampoos, sunscreens, skin care, body care and baby products. Many of the compounds in fragrance are carcinogenic or otherwise toxic. “Fragrance on a label can indicate the presence of up to 4,000 separate ingredients. Most or all of them are synthetic. Symptoms reported to the FDA have included headaches, dizziness, rashes, skin discoloration, violent coughing and vomiting, and allergic skin irritation. Clinical observation by medical doctors have shown that exposure to fragrances can affect the central nervous system, causing depression, hyperactivity, irritability, inability to cope, and other behavioral changes,” (Home Safe Home). 
For better health try purchasing unscented products and for fragrance, adding a natural essential oil.

10. IMIDAZOLIDINYL UREA and DMDM HYDANTOIN: These are just two of the many preservatives that release formaldehyde (formaldehyde-donors). According to the Mayo clinic, formaldehyde can irritate the respiratory system, cause skin reactions and trigger heart palpitations. Exposure to formaldehyde may cause joint pain, allergies, depression, headaches, chest pains, ear infections, Chronic fatigue, dizziness and loss of sleep. It can also aggravate coughs and colds and trigger asthma. Serious side effects include weakening of the immune system and cancer. Nearly all brands of skin, body and hair care, antiperspirants and nail polish found in stores contain formaldehyde-releasing ingredients.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate/Sodium Laureth Sulfate

Once found in pretty much every shampoo, these ingredients help cleanse and foam. Both are derived from coconut oil, but they’re two different ingredients. “They’re similar, but the Laureth goes through an ethoxylation process, Which means? “Ethoxylation results in a byproduct called 1,4 dioxane—it’s not listed on the label, but that is the cancer-causing aspect of the ingredient. So, avoid any ingredients ending in ‘eth.’ ” Which means you want to avoid ammonium laureth sulfate.

While it used to be found in almost every shampoo, when concerns were raised over the ingredient’s toxicity level, a lot of companies switched over to the ammonium versions—not that it’s much better.The sodium and ammonium laureth sulfates are known cancer-causing ingredients.”

So what should you look for instead? Anything with the words “glucose” or “glucoside” in them—for example, sodium lauryl glucose or lauryl glucose.

Sodium Chloride

It may sound sinister, but sodium chloride—found in thousands of shampoos—is just salt used to thicken or trigger thickening capabilities in your shampoo. No need to fret—or search for another alternative.

Cocamidopropyl Betaine

You’ll find this foaming agent—a surfact derived through a chemical process with coconut oil—in shampoo and body washes. In a finished product, it causes no harm to the body, and while there are alternatives, they’re not necessary.


This solvent or emulsifier helps to bind oil and water together, and is often used to dissolve in the fragrance or other oil additives. And while it’s predominantly found in conditioners, there are some shampoos that carry it, too. But this one’s loaded with trouble for your body.

“It’s damaging at a few levels, and while some professionals don’t report any real health concern, there should be a concern from the reaction with the scalp (in haircare products) and the skin (in face and body products) since it often leaves a residue on the skin, disrupts the skin’s natural pH, and emulsifies lipids in the natural protective barrier.”

There are alternatives to using polysorbates, but They’re expensive, so they’re often not used. Derived from corn: zea mays or maize, often listed as corn water or propanediol.”

Citric Acid

It’s not just for oranges. This citrus fruit derivative, part of the alpha hydroxyl acid family, can be found in thousands of personal care products—including many in the natural line of care. Typically it’s used to lower the pH balance. And there’s no need to fret—it’s all good for your body, so there’s no healthier alternative needed.


Not all glycol is created equal. It’s a common ingredient in hair and personal care products, but there are different types. Says Pollock, “The more common are polyethylene glycol, often listed as PEG. These, again, are ethoxylated and are cancer-causing chemicals.” It’s used as a solvent to incorporate products into a formula, and they’re extremely dangerous—they’re known carcinogens. So what can we use in their place? “The corn maize-derived solvent listed above.


That smooth feeling you get when you run your hands through freshly conditioned hair? That’s amodimethicone, a silicone-based polymer used to seal in moisture. But it comes with its own host of troubles. 

“Dimethicones and silicones are occlusive, meaning they don’t allow something to breathe—they seal in moisture and seal out everything else, avoid dimethicones and silicones when possible because the scalp needs to breathe. Sealing the scalp, could lead to thinning of the hair. However, on the hair follicle, it can protect it from heat and provide shine.”

So what should you use instead? Look for natural oils like jojoba, argan, rose hip, sweet almond, olive oil or shea butter.

Behentrimonium Chloride 

Another type of salt, behentrimonium chloride is a quaternary ammonium salt used in shampoos, conditioners and hairstyling products as a preservative. But is it damaging to your body?

“It can have some level of irritation, just like any preservative can, Preservatives are meant to kill bacteria and contaminants, so they have to have some level of aggressiveness. This alone is often not the sole preservative—most formulators use a combination of preservatives, each with its own particular function or bacteria to attack.

If you’re concerned, look for products with dehydroacetic acid and benzyl alcohol instead.

Hydrolysed Soy Protein

This is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: a soy-derived protein, including their amino acid compounds—which are essential building blocks. Found in tons of different haircare products, hydrolysed soy protein is thought to nourish and strengthen the hair follicle. But whether it’s problematic for your body or not depends on your constitution.

“Some have a problem with soy, It’s processed, so those with soy allergies wouldn’t necessarily have a problem. Some doctors swear by soy as the key to any diet or part of any healthy lifestyle, while some think you should avoid soy.

If you’d rather play it safe, there are other hydrolyzed proteins—like rice, vegetable or wheat—as an alternative.

Hydrolysed Collagen

Here’s the trick with collagen: It’s a key component to our bodies, but the skin can’t absorb it because the molecule is too large. So while it’s not damaging to your body, any brand claiming to strengthen your hair—like conditioners or hair masks—is just giving you a load of marketing hype. The best bet is to get the body to synthesize it, using a peptide, vitamin C or other technology to get the body to synthesize collagen on its own.”

Cetrimonium Chloride

Both shampoos and conditioners are the home for this quaternary ammonium compound, which is most often used as a preservative. It’s about as sinister as any of the other preservatives listed above, but As a conditioning agent, it’s not needed.




Breastfeeding Remedies

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Mother nursing son
Treating nursing issues naturally is safest for a nursing baby and mother. Several topical applications as well as internal supplements effectively treat breastfeeding issues. Anise seed tea, apple cider vinegar and cabbage wraps are three of the most common treatments for issues with breastfeeding.

What are Nursing Issues?

Nursing or breastfeeding is often considered the most natural and healthiest choice for babies. The process involves the act of feeding the infant by way of milk naturally produced in the mother’s breast. However, nursing can sometimes cause issues for the mother and baby. Common nursing issues include latching pain, cracked or irritated nipples, clogged or plugged milk ducts, engorgement, mastitis and high or low milk supply.

Natural Remedies for Nursing Mothers

Breastfeeding issues can be uncomfortable at the very least and required intentional treatment. Natural options including anise seed tea, apple cider vinegar and cabbage wraps as well as others offer fast relief without any harm to the nursing mother baby. Breast milk can also be used as a remedy for many nursing issues.

Anise Seed Tea

Anise seed tea contains an important spice compound anise. Anise seeds contain anethole, which is a phytoestrogen that aids in boosting milk supply. This supply boost often helps treat issues of clogged ducts as well as other problems in the milk glands by maintaining a constant flow of milk.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used to treat a number of breastfeeding issues. Diluted apple cider vinegar taken orally or applied topically eliminates infection. Apple cider vinegar also offers an added energy boost.

Cabbage Wraps

Cabbage wraps offer nursing mothers relief from engorgement and clogged ducts. Cabbage has a high sulphur content which is a known remedy for inflammation and swelling. Leaves may be chilled and applied directly to the breast to relieve engorgement as well as oversupply.

Breastfeeding is a natural process but one that is not without its issues and difficulties. Many new mothers experience breast pain, tenderness, inflammation and other problems associated with nursing. Natural treatment methods, however, afford mother and baby a safe, happy and healthy breastfeeding experience. 


How Rose Water Can Help Treat Acne

How Rose Water Can Help Treat Acneimages

Rose water has been used since ages to subdue acne eruption and heal the acne wounds. Acne can erupt due to many reasons but one of the main reasons is when the sebaceous glands of the skin produce more than necessary sebum. The excess sebum that is produced gets trapped in the skin ultimately leading to acne eruption. Rose water can be highly beneficial under such acne causing scenarios. Not only does rose water helps in the clearing of acne, it also helps in the fading of acne scars that have been left behind after acne bursts. Rose water is one of the most gentle remedies for acne cure while still being very effective.

Benefits of Rose water: 

  • Rose water is antiseptic and has antimicrobial properties. It helps in the treatment of acne and in addition to that rose water also helps in the fading of acne scars.
  • Since rose water is one of the gentle treatments for acne all sorts of skin types including the sensitive one’s can use rose water for acne treatment with ease. It does not causes reddening or burning of the skin like some chemical agents do.
  • In addition to acne cure, rose water has many other skin benefits. Rose water in creams helps to maintain the optimum pH balance of the skin, rose water as a toner tightens the pores and helps reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

Home-made recipes for rosewater face pack:

There are many ways to employ rose water for the treatment of acne and some of these include using rose water as face packs and face washes or simply as a facial spray. Some of the options for rose water face pack are listed below:

Rose water and Sandalwood Paste

This combination helps in both subduing acne eruption and the fading of acne scars. To make this face pack, take sandalwood powder and rose water in a 2:1 proportion. In a bowl take 2 tbsp of sandalwood powder and mix with 1 tbsp of rose water. Make a thick paste with the two and apply on the face until it dries and then wash off.

Rose water and Lemon juice

The combination of Rose water and Lemon Juice is also an excellent remedy to cure acne. Lemon juice is already an established remedy when it comes to acne cure. Combine equal parts of rose water and lemon juice i.e.1 tbsp of rose water with 1 tbsp of lemon juice. Mix the two ingredients well. Washing the face with this mixture helps in the opening of pores and then apply the same in the affected areas and leave for 10 minutes. This process helps in the drying of acne and the lemon juice also helps in the lightening of the acne scars. Before using this pack, test it on the elbow or the neck to be sure that you are allergic or sensitive to lemon juice.

Rose water, Cucumber and honey face pack

If you are allergic to citric acid or have a sensitive skin, you could also use this face pack which is a combination of cucumber paste with honey and rose water. To make this face pack, take 2 inches of fresh cucumber and crush it with 2 tbsp honey in a blender. Make a smooth paste out of these two. Now to this paste add Rose water and mix all the three ingredients well. The face pack is now ready to apply on the face. Both Honey and rose water in this face pack have anti-bacterial properties and the cucumber in the face pack provide a cool soothing feeling for the skin.

Rose water availability:

Rose water is widely available in many general and convenience stores. There are many commercial options for rose water like Dabur gulabari rose water, FabIndia rose water etc. You could also make rose water by adding few drops of essential rose oil in water.

If you have been suffering from a lot of skin problems and acne issues, do not stress over it. Try incorporating rose water into your daily routine like using rose water based creams and face washes, rose water toner, rose water cleansers, the above mentioned rose water face packs to cure acne and fade those acne scars.

This Recipe Is The Most Powerful Antibiotic On Earth-Kills Infections Within Minutes In The Body

You will learn a powerful formula to get rid of ANY INFECTION. Period and keep your body free from the one ailment that can kill you easily.This recipe is also known as the master cleansing tonic. The use of this powerful tonic goes back to medieval Europe, that is, from the era when people suffered from all sorts of diseases and epidemics. For those who doubt the effectiveness, The reason the Master Tonic is so powerful is because all of the ingredients are fresh, and are designed to stimulate blood circulation to help introduce the detoxifying ingredients into your bloodstream. In addition, antibiotic that kills gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and fungi such as candida.  
Health benefits

Garlic is a strong antibiotic with a wide range of health benefits. Unlike chemical antibiotics that kill millions of friendly bacteria your body needs, its only goal is bacteria and microorganisms. Garlic also encourages and increases the level of healthy bacteria. It is a powerful antifungal agent and destroys any antigen, pathogen, and harmful disease-causing microorganisms.

Onion is garlic’s closest relative ​​and it has a similar but milder action. Together they create a strong fighting duo.

Horseradish is a powerful herb, efficient for sinuses and lungs. It opens sinus channels and increases circulation, where common colds and flu usually begin, as most doctors would agree.

Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and it is a strong circulation stimulant.

Chili peppers are the most powerful circulation stimulators. They just send their antibiotic properties to fight the disease where it is mostly needed.

Turmeric is the most perfect spice, cleanses infections and reduces inflammation. Blocks the development of cancer, and prevents dementia. It is especially useful for those who struggle with joint pain.

Apple cider vinegar – there must be something very healthy in the use of apple cider vinegar as the father of medicine, Hippocrates, used vinegar around 400 BC because of its healthy properties. It is said that he used only two remedies: honey and apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is made from fresh and ripe apples which are later fermented and go through rigorous process to give the final product. Apple cider vinegar contains pectin, a fiber that reduces bad cholesterol and regulates blood pressure.

Health experts agree that people need more calcium as they get old. Vinegar helps the extraction of calcium from foods it is mixed with, which helps in the process of maintaining bone strength. Potassium deficiency causes a variety of problems including hair loss, brittle nails and teeth, sinusitis, and runny nose.

Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium. Studies have shown that potassium deficiency results in slow growth. All of these problems can be avoided if you use apple cider vinegar regularly. Potassium also removes toxic wastes from the body.

Beta-carotene prevents damage caused by free radicals, maintains skin firm and young. Apple cider vinegar is good for those who want to lose weight.

It breaks up fat which supports a natural weight loss process. Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid, efficient in the fight against fungal and bacterial infections. This acid dissolves uric acid deposits that form around the joints, and thus alleviates joint pain. Dissolved uric acid is later eliminated from the body.

It is believed that apple cider vinegar is useful in treating conditions like constipation, headaches, arthritis, weak bones, indigestion, high cholesterol, diarrhea, eczema, sore eyes, chronic fatigue, mild food poisoning, hair loss, high blood pressure, obesity, and many other health problems.

The master tonic is the best combination to fight each of these conditions. Protect your health using natural antibiotics!

This Incredible Detox Drink Helps You Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism, Fight Diabetes And Lower Blood Pressure

Discover the power of this amazing elixir; this health potion is the perfect concoction for people wanting to lose weight and fight diabetes. The unique combination of ingredients will burn fatty deposits in the body while reducing blood pressure. Enjoy this elixir’s many benefits.


Apple cider vinegar is packed with enzymes and good bacteria. It contains acetic acid, which is proven to reduce blood pressure up to 6%. It will help you better digest starches if you eat grains in your diet. Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar is recommended for the best results.

Lemon juice balances blood sugar levels and creates an alkaline environment in the stomach, regulating the pH value of the body. It contains high levels of Vitamin C. Use fresh, organic lemons or Lakewood Organic Pure Lemon Juice.

Cinnamon is one of the most powerful antioxidants that you can eat; it is also the most effective spice when it comes to balancing blood sugar levels.

Raw honey contains many beneficial compounds and it can be useful in any weight loss regimen as an alternative to eating processed sugar. People have long used honey to treat wounds, lung, and skin diseases; it also positively conditions the female reproductive system. A teaspoon of honey in tea or hot water relieves a sore throat, calms nerves and melts fat. Honey is packed with enzymes that boost digestion and metabolism, contributing to healthy weight loss.

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Oriental Tea - Cleanses The Organism Of Parasites And Toxins


This is an old folk recipe tea which cleanses the organism of toxins and it contains great oriental spices such as turmeric, clove, ginger and cinnamon.

Turmeric has been used in India for ejecting toxins out of the body since ancient times. It is well known that this spice can successfully fight against cancer.

Clove is great fighter against different types of infections, while ginger improves circulation.

Cardamom is one of the oldest spices and also, it is one of the most expensive ones. This spice has numerous health benefits and it is used as a remedy.

This tea gives the body energy, cleanses it from parasites and toxins, helps in the process of treating colds, weak immunity and different types of pains.



A Medicine For More Than 50 Diseases: The Tea That Kills Parasites And Cleans The Body of Toxins

Turmeric’s use was present since ancient times and it all started in India. Since then this amazing spice is used all over the world and a lot of people are satisfied from its health benefits.

It is even scientifically proved that it helps in prevention and treatment of cancer and dementia, it’s useful for nausea, vomiting and other diseases and it cleanses the organism out of toxins.