Weekly Schedule:
Wednesday 6:00pm EST
Saturday 11:00am EST
Sunday 9:00am EST
Wednesday 6:00pm EST
Saturday 11:00am EST
Sunday 9:00am EST
Discover the church
Our Beliefs
Get up to speed with our church doctrine.
Holy Days
Learn the correct biblical high holy days.
The 12 Tribes
Regain your true identity from the bible.
The Mission
We teach the mysteries of the Bible and its TRUE meaning. We exalt the Most High God who sent Moses to deliver the Israelites from oppression and sent his Dear Son “The Anointed Messiah” to free us from the curse. We believe the Savior will save us in these last days which the Bible calls “Jacob’s Trouble”.
Join the International Bible Study to spread this truth all over the world!

The Mission
We teach the mysteries of the Bible and its TRUE meaning. We exalt the Most High God who sent Moses to deliver the Israelites from oppression and sent his Dear Son “The Anointed Messiah” to free us from the curse. We believe the Savior will save us in these last days which the Bible calls “Jacob’s Trouble”.
Join the International Bible Study to spread this truth all over the world!
Get Your Sunday Morning Dose!

The Academy is an online Hebrew, Bible & History course including 12 weeks of live Historical, biblical lessons and real time news each Sunday.
The Hebrew & Bible Academy Starts On:
Sunday February 16th, 9:00am NY Time
Get Your Sunday Morning Dose!
The Academy is an online Hebrew, Bible & History course including 12 weeks of live Historical, biblical lessons and real time news each Sunday.
The Next Hebrew & Bible Academy Starts On:
Sunday February 16th, 9:00am NY Time